Corona-Notes, March 11th–23rd

KM Patten
7 min readMar 23, 2020

Shortage of TP? If we were actually civilized we wouldn’t have that problem, because we’d have bidets. Wish you had one right about now, huh?


My friend’s list is the most divided that it’s ever been. I’d guess that 40 percent think that coronavirus is a serious threat, one that we should all be concerned about.

40 percent think that the media is, once again, sowing panic and hysteria, blowing the whole thing out of proportion.

And some 20 percent are worried about the State using the chaos to justify more authoritarian measures, like lockdowns and mandatory vaccines and jackbooted thugs in our streets.


I’m not afraid of battling a virus that affects the respiratory system, even a virus like corona. I am afraid of battling such a virus while recovering from a surgery that affects my ability to breathe. Therefore, I’m postponing my surgery until this passes. Nope…there’s no changing my mind: I’ve already called it in. Now…where’s my Jesus Freaks to tell me to trust God rather than my instincts?


More than a week on the wagon. Slightly fatigued, for some reason. Was gonna go to an AA meeting, but sometimes there’s a crowd. I wouldn’t wanna catch….a disease!



Dr. Drew is probably the last “medical expert” on the planet I would listen to. If that pompous asshole — pro-vaxxer, pro-mutilator, pro 12-stepper — now says that the coronavirus is nothing more than media hysteria, then I’m suddenly inclined to think otherwise. Drew is making his rounds on all the shows, scolding the media and telling us all to calm down. But he’s convinced me that coronavirus is something to contend with. Maybe not the end of the world. Just a real inconvenience to the world.


I hate staying at home. But I also hate crowds. Hiking is a great way to get outside while still being alone.


If a virus gets inside one of the prisons, it’s going to be a nightmare for that population. Although in most of the facilities I was in, you could shower pretty much when you wanted, they don’t allow sanitizer on the canteen, because some inmates try to extract the alcohol from it.

Folsom was not so homely. That facility was almost always on lock-down. I usually only got out when I went to work my shift in the kitchen. Most the rest of the time was spent inside the cell with my bunky. It was the smallest cell I had been in. I could stretch my arms out horizontally and touch the walls without them being fully extended.

Folsom prison had tiers that went up something like 4 or 5 levels high, if I remember correctly. I could look out of my cell and see thick cobwebs on every window; see them all the way up that wall. Not surprisingly, I had a bronchial infection the entire 4 months I was in that cell. Then I was fortunate enough to go to solitary confinement — the best time I had done since getting locked up a little more than a year since that point.

Solitary was great. Really enjoyed that 2 months. No bunky to share the tiny space with; only others on the tier, most of whom were also locked up alone. It was cleaner too. My lungs finally cleared up in that cell.

So yes. Poor souls. I wish I could sympathize with them. But then I really didn’t get along with most of my fellow inmates. Because they loved being in prison. And I didn’t.


See how much better the world is when we segregate? A viral pandemic really shows how easy it is to separate from the crowd.


Blood tests came back normal. Liver and pancreas are working fine. The doctor said: “Mr. Patten, your body should be able to endure another 10–15 years of heavy drinking, no problem.” She then suggested that, if I didn’t want to experience the burning and gnawing symptoms of gastritis, I should buy myself a pint of whiskey and polish it off within the hour. Good doctor.


If everything gets canceled and you have to stay home and NOTHING HAPPENS…

…please try to remember: THAT’S THE POINT~!!


“I pray that you don’t have one second of peace and that every night is sleepless until you accept Jesus.”

….This is supposed to make me want to become a believer in Christ. What a sick, deranged and primitive way of thinking. This is not much different than the Aztecs sacrificing their people to a blood-thirsty deity, or Muslims killing their kids because they left the faith. Religion is a poison.


Has anybody seen any evidence that Coronavirus is, in fact, airborne AIDs that will, with time, infect every single human being on earth and thus be the end of our species?

I know these viruses can leave lasting damage on one’s body, especially the lungs and heart. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m wondering whether we should panic about this being the Apocalyptic Pandemic, and thus prepare to kill our families before hordes of virus-fearing maniacs crash through our windows looking for the Last Safe Space on Earth.

Any thoughts?


While my long-distance lover drinks herself silly for the second time in less than a week, I’m over here eating raw brussel sprouts to try to heal the damage I’ve done to my gut

Yes: too much motor-oil coffee, too many late-night snacks of bacon and eggs, too much whiskey, too many cold cans of bitter deliciousness. Sigh…I’m even giving up coffee. Healing and sobriety hurts.

My love, I wish you’d stop and try to stay sober with me.


Craft beers really are much tastier than that Miller High Life piss. Alan Watts was a drinker too, so I’m in good company.


Social distancing & voluntary isolation: Good.

Mandatory quarantines & nighttime curfews: Bad.


My governor just predicted that 25 million Californians will become infected over the next 2 months. That seems ridiculous to me. China doesnt even have those numbers.


Coronavirus seems to have forced all the pretty girls out onto the streets for walks and jogs. Makes the morning a little more cheerful…. silver linings, am I right?


I see so many families out at the parks, enjoying the outdoors and exercising together. I saw a dad playing ball with his daughter. She hit the ball and it rolled up to me; I picked it up and tossed it to dad while assuring him that I had just washed my hands. Another dad was chasing his daughter up a hill, all smiles. Lots of moms and dads riding their bikes with the kids.

I took Porter out a couple days ago. He made a bunch of friends that were his age. My stomach was bothering me, so I wasn’t in a great mood. (Two days on the restrictive bland diet, and I already feel better. Must be a time for healing.)

I gotta say….it looks like even the Apocalypse has a silver lining. It’s kinda nice.


A lot of elective surgeries have been canceled because of Coronavirus. Imagine how many American boys were spared from having their genitals mutilated.

Thanks, Coronavirus, you’re not so bad after all. My enemy’s enemy….am I right? Man and virus…standing together against a common evil.


Neither the Coronavirus nor the stay-home order is going to stop me from getting some sunshine! It was a gorgeous day at the beach. Got lots of sun, which always elevates my mood. I also played writer, sitting down and scribbling for nearly 2 straight hours.

#FuckYouCoronaVirus #ItsOKayToBeNude


I pick up Porter tomorrow. I’m thinking I should keep him home & refuse them a visit until this passes. They’re too stupid to be trusted.


I go out on walks every single day, without exception. I feel that fresh air and exercise strengthens my immune system, which is the reason why I rarely get sick.

And still I avoid the crowds, always trying to stay a few feet away from the next person. I know: “the virus can survive in the air for hours and on surfaces for several days.” I’m trying not to give a face to this virus, not to see it as something that walks on 2 legs.

I’m taking this virus seriously (I have high b/p and taking an ACE inhibitor, which can make this much worse). I wash my hands regularly, and now I’m using paper towels when touching the gas pump.

Nevertheless, I’m not going to stop doing what I love, not unless I actually get infected with the virus, which I’m convinced is being spread mostly by stupid people who continue to congregate in large groups. For example, New York, the state with the most cases, is jam-packed with people. You’re always bumping into someone. I think that’s the main reason Corona is being spread. I don’t think the wind is carrying it hundreds of miles through the communities.

The author of Indictments from the Convicted is trying to become rich, if only so that he may buy his yacht and secede from civilization. To help him achieve this, buy his damn book. OR, consider making a contribution to his Patreon. OR, check out his website. OR, check out some of his other essays — including studies on the American Police State, Genital Mutilation, Clintonism, and his seminal argument In Favor of Hatred.

